How to get a death certificate in case of death during Haj pilgrimage?

This time, there is severe heat in Saudi Arabia. This is the reason why many people who went on Hajj died there. If we talk only about Indian citizens, more than 60 people have died so far. Due to death on foreign soil, their relatives living in India are facing a lot of problems. One such problem is getting the death certificate of the dead people. Let us tell you how does one get a death certificate when someone dies during the Hajj pilgrimage.

How many people have died so far

So far, more than 1300 Hajis have died during the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia. A new report of the Saudi Arabian press agency said that the number of deaths during Hajj has now reached 1301. 83 percent of the dead were those who had gone on the Hajj pilgrimage without permission. If we talk about the temperature of Mecca, the maximum temperature here has reached 52 degrees Celsius till now.

How to get a death certificate

If a person dies during Hajj on the soil of Saudi Arabia, then there are laws related to Hajj for this. According to this, if someone dies during Hajj, then first of all the Monajjem or Moallems, whom you also know as the guides of Saudi Arabia, have to inform the Hajj mission of that country in Saudi, of which that person is a citizen. After this, the Hajj mission matches the picture and primary information of the deceased with its database and confirms his identity.

After this, the Hajj mission informs the family of the deceased and the Hajj Ministry of Saudi Arabia about this. Finally, after the body is identified, the family members have to get the death certificate from the nearest hospital or the medical center of the Hajj office of the country of the deceased Haji. Apart from this, Moallem office also gives clearance for this.

Read this also: Which country has the most people going on Hajj and who prepares the Hajj quota?

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